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Configure Email authentication with Office 365


This page is dedicated to providing you with valuable resources to help you configure an authentication method based on the email provider you choose. Authentication is an essential security measure that verifies the identity of users and ensures that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information.

In order to follow this guide, you will need an email provider. If you want to know how to configure your email provider, please follow this link.

Office 365

  • Administration panel

When you are using Office 365, you will need to access your Microsoft 365 admin center.

  • Create your SMTP Credentials

Office 365 uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication, so you will need to set up an application password to authenticate with the SMTP server.

In the Microsoft 365 admin center, navigate to Additional security verification page > Add sign-in method > App password

Microsoft - Create an application password
Microsoft - Create an application password

Please, note that the password could not be shown after your close the tab, please be sure to copy the application password generated otherwise you will need to generate a new one.

Microsoft - Application password
Microsoft - Application password

Now, you'll need to get the SMTP settings that are available from Outlook in Settings > Mail > POP and IMAP

Microsoft - SMTP Settings
Microsoft - SMTP Settings
  • Authentication on Passbolt GUI

On your Passbolt instance, navigate to "Administration" > "Email server."

You will need to fill in your SMTP credentials to match your authentication method, remember, do not use the login credentials but the application password instead.

Passbolt - Email authentication
Passbolt - Email authentication
  • Test your configuration

Before saving your configuration, you will need to test it in order to avoid any issues. it should pass and give the results shown below.

Passbolt - Email test success
Passbolt - Email test success
  • Save your configuration

If everything went as expected, do not forget to save your configuration and "Success: The SMTP settings have been saved successfully" should appear.