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Create Resource

  1. Login and/or go to the password workspace
  2. Click on create password button (at the top left corner)
  3. You should now see a “Create password” dialog
  4. Fill in a name, a username and a password. Optionally you can also specify a URL, a description and a TOTP.
  5. Press the save button (or enter on your keyboard)
  6. Wait until the encryption is done

Pro Tips

  • You can switch through the fields using the tab button on your keyboard
  • You can press on the eye button to see your password in clear
  • You can press the magic wand button to generate a random password automatically
    • Based on the rules of some Website, you can configure the list of required/allowed characters
  • Make sure to check the complexity. This will be indicated right below the password field.
  • When Passbolt detects a password field in a Website form or a Mobile application, Passbolt will give you the ability to generate a password on-demand and save it in your account